1. Vegan Cooking Classes
    Kristen Marie

    Vegan Cooking Classes

    Q: I recently started following a vegan diet but feel completely lost in the kitchen. At this point I find myself eating lots of pasta, rice, and the same vegetables over and over again. I also find myself missing lots of “old” foods I used to enjoy and can’t seem...
  2. Brock Picken

    Vegan Iron Sources & Nettle Tea with Jae Steele (part 1)

    http://fitfortwo.tv Brock and Jae Steele discuss various vegan sources of iron, how your body absorbs iron, and what it does in your body. They also make a high-iron tea with stinging nettle. Jae’s blog: http://domesticaffair.blogspot.ca Like Jae on facebook: http://facebook.com/pages/jae-steele-veg-nutritionista/163093964684 Follow Jae: http://twitter.com/getitripe Find us: http://facebook.com/fitfortwotv http://twitter.com/fitfortwo Follow us on...

About Vegan Cooking

Vegan Cooking provides healthy vegan recipes to satisfy your every craving from breakfast to dinner to sweets and snacks. Find delicious and healthy recipes, vegan meal ideas, and more including resources and tips for vegan living, juicing and cleanses, beauty, getting started, and other important information for anyone eating a plant based diet.

What is Vegan?

At Vegan Cooking, we believe following a vegan diet happens both in and out of the kitchen. It starts with making conscious decisions about a plant based diet and extends to products we use, restaurants we dine at, and other ways in which we live out life. We strive to be a hub for your vegan lifestyle.

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