I love coffee.
When I became vegan there were no coffee creamers available and soy milk not only seperated in the coffee it also smelled like hay. NO THANKS.
Fast forward to today. There are a few choices of vegan coffee creamers.
I have been using Silk creamer up until recently. It does the job but often the last half of the container is foamy and separates. I put up with it cause it tastes great.
When the people at So Nice contacted us to test their creamer, Claire asked me to review it since she doesn’t drink coffee.
When it came to taste and texture both performed about the same. But when I got to the last half of the So Nice AND the Silk I decided to do a head to head comparison. One morning, 2 cups of coffee with 2 half full creamers.
The difference is clear. So Nice doesn’t foam up or separate.

Silk Coffee Creamer

So Nice Coffee Creamer
Do you use any vegan creamers? Tell me about them.
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