Should I Take The Challenge?
So I’ve been hearing a lot about this Meatless Monday movement going on right now. In attempt to reduce meat consumption by 15% the John Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Heath has designated Monday as the day to cut out meat completely. They report that reducing your meat intake will help reduce your chances of getting preventable diseases such as heart disease.
I really like this initiative. Its easy, catchy, and from what I can tell effective. The reason they have chosen Monday is because it is the beginning of the work/school week and that is the easiest day to start “fresh.” This initiative has been implemented in schools, reported about in magazines, and taken on by other organizations. With celebrities like Paul McCartney, Ed Begley Jr. and Simon Cowell on board the word is bound to spread world wide.
I have not taken on the challenge but I’m not afraid of it either. This could be my chance to experience a part-time vegetarianism if you will. I’m seriously thinking about trying it out for a month however August may not work as I am on vacation for the first part (can’t change my diet during a vacation it just won’t happen I’m being honest!). Should I go Meatless Monday for September? I can blog here and report my menu, my goals, and even my struggles!
Let me know what you think in the comments below! Encourage me or discourage me and when I get back from my holiday I’ll let you know what I’ve decided!
Follow me @koolmeg
Opinioness of the World
Hi Meg,
I think this is a fantastic idea! I've been a vegan for many years now yet most of my friends are not. Each week on my blog, I post Meat-Free Monday recipes. Some of my friends have started cooking the recipes and have reduced or given up meat on Mondays. It's a simple way to test out vegetarianism, become healthier and be kinder to animals and the environment too. Good luck and go for it!!
James Kimbell
I've read that smokers find it easier to quit during a vacation. The routine is already broken up, and the setting doesn't constantly remind you of what you normally do.
Maybe this would be true with the meatless thing, as well. Since you're trying new things in a new place anyway, it might be easier to throw in one more bit of “new.”
Either way I would encourage you to try it.