Typically the fourth juice on any cleanse is some type of lemonade. Sometimes this is made with cayenne pepper (similar to the Master Cleanse), beets, ginger, or sometimes it is just plain lemonade. I like to mix this juice up by using limes instead of lemons, apples, and a touch of ginger. You can use lemons if you prefer and add a touch of agave if needed for sweetness.
Juice #4: Ginger Apple Limeade
- 6 apples
- 7 limes
- 1.5-2 inch ginger
- Up to 36 oz. filtered water
- 3-6 tsp. agave
Cooking Directions
- Wash everything thoroughly and prepare for your juicer. I have and love this Omega Juicer.
- Pass the apples, peeled limes, and ginger through the juicer. Combine with water. Serve room temperature or shake with ice.
- Makes enough for 3 juices, approximately 16 oz. each.
My first time doing a cleanse. Almost done with day 1, not feeling hungry, feel energized, but the limeade was difficult for me to get down. Any ideas for a substitute? Definitely not a fan of that one.
You could try lemons instead of lime or even another citrus like oranges. You could also substitute a different light juice – perhaps a simple apple lemon juice. Use a couple of apples, the juice from 1-2 lemons, and honey/Stevia for sweetener and 1/2-1 cup water.