Well, it’s here, the new year. Gone are the holidays, our money and our waistlines and time to get back on track. Sure, everyone has goals and thnigs they want to accomplish this year but is traveling more something you think about every January 1st and never get around to doing? Well, all work and no play makes all of us dull folks. We need to strike a balance in our lives as this way we can be much more content and present in our daily lives. Not only will we be more productive, we will be healthier. It is essential to have fun and take a load off every now and again and travel is the best way to do so. You’re away from the familiar, the routine, the daily grind. You gain perspective and you come back refreshed. And you don’t even need to be gone to long! You’d be surprised how great you feel even after a couple days away from home.
Check out a few of these New Year’s travel resolutions and se if they help you get off the couch, away fromthe computer screen and out into the world!
- Unplug – We are so tied to our gadgets that we never truly break free. Be sure that on your next trip, you take some time to leave the electronics in your suitcase. I know it’s tough but you’ll thank yourself later.
- Travel for business? Get out of the hotel! – If even for a few hours, take the time to get out and see the city you’re in. You are bound to be much more productive then if you are trapped in the 4 walls of your rented room the whole time.
- Think beyond the cheapest, closest getaway – Ok, finances are tight and so is time but in as long as it takes to drive somewhere, you can fly just a bit further & see something you’ve never seen before. Do yourself a favor and “go that extra mile” because it will feel a whole lot more like an adventurous getaway.
- Cash in your vacation days – If you’ve got vacation days, USE THEM FOR A VACATION! You’ve earned it! Yes, sometimes life gets in the way and you need these days to run errands, etc but for Pete’s sake, live a little!
- Don’t wait for a travel buddy – We all make concessions as to why we don’t just get up and leave. One big one is traveling alone. But you’d be surprised how fun it can actually be. Depending on where you are going, you will most likely have a load of fun meeting new people as well as other out-of-towners while having the trip of your life and no strings attached!
- Do some good – voluntourism is a fabulous way to see the world while doing some good. It’s cost effective, beneficial and you’ll most likely go where most tourists never think to go. A truly unique experience.
So if you’re idea of getting some R&R is lying on a tropical beach or hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro, make it a point to make the plan and stick to it. You will be glad you did! Here’s to the year of breaking free for some adventure!
For more information, visit www.HealthyVoyager.com